Hampton Roads Ultrasound 

Cancer Screenings

Early Detection Ultrasound Screenings

The cardiovascular disease screening tests may involve ultrasound imaging of the heart, carotid arteries, peripheral arteries (Ankle Brachial Index), abdominal aorta and an EKG. These tests have the ability to detect disease and aid in prevention of progression.

The carotid artery examination evaluates the carotid arteries for blockage. These arteries supply blood to the brain. Dangerous plaque can develop in these arteries and lead to decreased blood flow to the brain resulting in stroke.

The abdominal aorta is a large vessel that travels from the heart to the legs. The walls of this vessel can weaken due to years of hypertension, smoking or plaque deposition in the walls. This weakening can lead to life threatening rupture of the vessel.

The peripheral arteries can become partially blocked with atherosclerotic plaque leading to decreased blood flow. Decreased blood flow can lead to loss of toes or limbs. Decreased blood flow to the legs often manifests as pain with walking. 

The EKG is a test that evaluates the electrical conduction of the heart. Dangerous rhythm abnormalities,  like atrial fibrillation, can be detected. If undetected, this condition can result in thrombus (clots) being sent to the brain, resulting in stroke.

Heart (Cardiac) ultrasound allows for direct visualization of the heart. Screening allows for evaluation of valves, the size of the heart and presence of blood clots in the heart. Cardiac ultrasound helps detect diseases like congestive heart failure early.

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Cardiovascular Disease 

An ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to create a picture of the body's internal organs and tissues. A handheld device called a transducer is moved over the areas, producing images of the internal organs on a computer screen. These live images allow the examiner to evaluate blood flow and organs. These examinations are painless and do not involve harmful radiation. Hampton Roads Ultrasound provides numerous preventive health screenings. These examinations help examine possible disease before symptoms are present. For a list of our screening packages please click here. Learn about the benefits of screening from our physician partner. 

Cancer has a cycle to consider which includes prevention, screening and treatment.

Ultrasound is helpful in identifying masses and tissue abnormalities. Although an ultrasound alone cannot definitively diagnose cancer it is often the first step to detection in the screening and diagnostic process. Ultrasound is exceptional at identifying cysts, solid masses, and indicating malignant versus benign tissue.

This screening involves imaging of the thyroid, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, urinary bladder, spleen, scrotum(males), uterus and ovaries (female). Screenings will soon offer blood tests to further help determine the possibility of the presence of cancer.

Breast ultrasound does not replace traditional mammogram, however, does offer helpful information.  About 50% of all women have dense breast tissue making diagnostic mammography difficult. Ultrasound has proven to be very beneficial in these cases. Breast ultrasound is painless. Ultrasound is also useful because it can often tell the difference between fluid-filled masses like cysts (which are very unlikely to be cancer) and solid masses (which might need further testing to be sure they’re not cancer).